About Me

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WELCOME TO MY CAREER JOURNEY! This right here is designed to serve the purpose of a digital CV. I am a relentless Event Specialist, equally adept at both right-brain and left-brain endeavours. My area of expertise is corporate communication which includes, but is not limited to marketing; events and promotions; logistics; public relations; business admin and internal/external communication. With a strong penchant for predicting trends and/or thought patterns, I have since dubbed myself 'The Visionary' as it best describes my forward outlook on life and all things alike... Trust that my contribution to any event/ project is of high value. EYE SEE YOU!

Behind The Scenes

Here are some snaps that were out of public view...

Canibus with a Soweto Children's Home orphan | April '10

Canibus, Doug I at Latinova Rosebank| April '10

Canibus, Son & I on their exit| April '10

Dwele taking the streets of Soweto |Sept '10

Goapele rehearsing for her SABC Live performance |Nov '10

Goapele after her Kayafm interview | Nov '10

Backstage with Goapele and the gang

Back To The City |April '11- Setup Day

Back To The City|April '11- Interview Room

Back To The City|April '11- Graffiti artists at work

 Bilal Oliver at the Autism SA offices

DjKenzhero, Bahamadia n Statik at UJfm 

Party People Reunion legends with C-Live

Julian hooking Party People Reunion acts, up with Butan Wear